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Paws & Nose Dog Balm base bulk and wholesale

Regular price $36.75
Paws & Nose Dog Balm 2 oz - Lux Natures Soaps & Skincare

Dog's Paws & Nose balm base, just melt and pour into containers.

Protect and heal dry cracked nose and paws dogs skin with natural balm, prevent dog paws pain during walking in snow and salt by applying 5-10 minutes before going outside. Salve helps with irritated dog skin during all seasons. Made with organic coconut extra virgin coconut oil, sweet almond oil infused with comfrey, borage and calendula herbs, organic beeswax. A balm is soft enough for easy applying, beeswax will provide light water protection, coconut and sweet almond oils will moisturize skin and help with healing cracks.

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