Mystery box

If love to try new products, if you don't mind use less than perfect products, if you love shop clearances, then Mystery Box is great for you! Every shop has less than perfect products and we are no an exclusion. Some bath bombs didn't turn the way we expected, some soaps don't sell as well as other ones, scents are being offseason. Mystery box will include at least 6 products, it could be soap, lotion, bath bomb, bath salt, herbal bath tea, lip balm, scrub, face and hair care and etc. Your saving is at least 50% off our retail prices, plus we throw free US shipping, so saving is even bigger!
Products will come labelled and packed in brown paper bag/bags.
Make sure save our business card, it contains discount code for all your future order.
You are going to be pleasantly surprised with the assortment of our Mystery box!
Please, let know if you need any gift wrap or note